Contact Us

Get In Touch

We offer private appointments! To schedule an appointment, or for any inquiries fill out the form below.

Update in regard to COVID-19

We are extremely happy to be able to offer walk in customers back into our store without an appointment. Beginning Monday, June 14th, you can walk in any time during our normal store hours of Noon- 6Pm every day but Wednesday.

We are closed on Wednesdays.

We are still offering private appointments for those who prefer, between 10 AM - Noon, every day but Wednesday. Please call the store to schedule your private appointment. 301-829-8855. Thank you for your understanding and support!

Mt. Airy Store Address

505 E. Ridgeville Blvd. 

Mt. Airy, MD 21771


Phone: 301-829-8855 


Monday Thru Sunday, 12-6PM

Closed Wednesday

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